There are No Problems, Only Solutions

4 min readMar 31, 2021

People do not often get excited about problems but seem to have a different mindset when we give them a challenge. Anthony Robbins will often speak of problems in his writings and how he uses them to identify, inspire and solve challenges in his life.

The first step in any problem or challenge is identifying what it is. Perhaps you are struggling with a course assignment or work-related issue. In karate class, it could be as simple as a student struggling with a certain section of their form and not being able to get through it. When they hit this roadblock, it is important to take that necessary first step and really understand what the challenge is. Being negative and generalizing your situation will not help, so it is important to shift your mindset and start with a positive approach.

Labelling yourself, that you cannot learn something, or you are not smart enough will not help you as you look for ways to tackle the issue. You must really peel back your first steps like an onion and totally understand what the root of the problem is. Perhaps it is your sense of direction, perhaps it is a certain movement that is causing an issue, perhaps it is your balance but whatever it is, try to identify exactly the root cause before you label yourself with a broader stroke.

